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Grasp the "First Chance" · Create a Winning Life

Zhongda (600704.SH) reported a 32.94% jump in net profit in the half year of 2018.

Press release
2018/12/21 10:20



  Xinhua Beijing, Aug. 29 (Sun Guangyin) In the first half of 2018, according to the development strategy of "one body and two wings" (supply chain integrated services, financial services, high-end industries), China Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. consolidated and upgraded the leading position of the core main industry of supply chain integrated services, and accelerated the building of two supporting platforms: intelligent supply chain logistics system and characteristic supply chain financial system. In accordance with the implementation path of "thinking in supply chain, integrating industrial chain and constructing a large ecological circle of products", efforts should be made to shape the industrial pattern of strategic synergy, cycle hedging and interaction between industry and finance, focusing on sustainable and high-quality development in an all-round way, and striving for evergreen basic industries.

  For more information, please click on the Media Link:http://www.xinhuanet.com/energy/2018-08/29/c_1123346800.htm